
Development of sqlite-utils takes place in the sqlite-utils GitHub repository.

All improvements to the software should start with an issue. Read How I build a feature for a detailed description of the recommended process for building bug fixes or enhancements.

Obtaining the code

To work on this library locally, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

git clone
cd sqlite-utils
python3 -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Or if you are using pipenv:

pipenv shell

Within the virtual environment running sqlite-utils should run your locally editable version of the tool. You can use which sqlite-utils to confirm that you are running the version that lives in your virtual environment.

Running the tests

To install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:


Building the documentation

To build the documentation, first install the documentation dependencies:

pip install -e '.[docs]'

Then run make livehtml from the docs/ directory to start a server on port 8000 that will serve the documentation and live-reload any time you make an edit to a .rst file:

cd docs
make livehtml

The cog tool is used to maintain portions of the documentation. You can run it like so:

cog -r docs/*.rst

Linting and formatting

sqlite-utils uses Black for code formatting, and flake8 and mypy for linting and type checking.

Black is installed as part of pip install -e '.[test]' - you can then format your code by running it in the root of the project:

black .

To install mypy and flake8 run the following:

pip install -e '.[flake8,mypy]'

Both commands can then be run in the root of the project like this:

mypy sqlite_utils

All three of these tools are run by our CI mechanism against every commit and pull request.

Using Just and pipenv

If you install Just and pipenv you can use them to manage your local development environment.

To create a virtual environment and install all development dependencies, run:

cd sqlite-utils
just init

To run all of the tests and linters:


To run tests, or run a specific test module or test by name:

just test # All tests
just test tests/ # Just this module
just test -k test_memory_no_detect_types # Just this test

To run just the linters:

just lint

To apply Black to your code:

just black

To update documentation using Cog:

just cog

To run the live documentation server (this will run Cog first):

just docs

And to list all available commands:

just -l

Release process

Releases are performed using tags. When a new release is published on GitHub, a GitHub Actions workflow will perform the following:

  • Run the unit tests against all supported Python versions. If the tests pass…

  • Build a wheel bundle of the underlying Python source code

  • Push that new wheel up to PyPI:

To deploy new releases you will need to have push access to the GitHub repository.

sqlite-utils follows Semantic Versioning:


We increment major for backwards-incompatible releases.

We increment minor for new features.

We increment patch for bugfix releass.

To release a new version, first create a commit that updates the version number in and the the changelog with highlights of the new version. An example commit can be seen here:

# Update changelog
git commit -m " Release 3.29

Refs #423, #458, #467, #469, #470, #471, #472, #475" -a
git push

Referencing the issues that are part of the release in the commit message ensures the name of the release shows up on those issue pages, e.g. here.

You can generate the list of issue references for a specific release by copying and pasting text from the release notes or GitHub changes-since-last-release view into this Extract issue numbers from pasted text tool.

To create the tag for the release, create a new release on GitHub matching the new version number. You can convert the release notes to Markdown by copying and pasting the rendered HTML into this Paste to Markdown tool.